Benimussa Park hosts the first Festival of Origins on Thursday, July 25, 2019, an event that merges Ibizan and Peruvian culture, with a children's area, market, food ...

Origins brings you a different event that is based on the fusion between the Ibizan and Peruvian culture, an appointment based on the fable of the eagle and the condor in which the peoples of the East and the West unite in a new rebirth from the heart.

The place chosen for this special celebration is the ample enclosure of Benimussa Park in San Antonio. There, the 25 July 2019 ThursdayIn hours 17 to 2: 30 hours el First Festival of Origins.

It is an appointment that goes far beyond a simple party, but aims to show you the most open and creative side of the island. Under an innovative concept and created from affection and respect, Benimussa Park will become a great gallery of scenic arts.

In the musical section you can enjoy with artists visiting the island for the first time and with sounds loaded with wealth, joy and variety. They will be at the appointment Dengue Dengue Dengue, Novalima (Sound System), Feathered Sun, ESTRAY, Veronika Fleyta, Filipa Lazary and Russ Farelo.

In addition, the festival has the collaboration of the famous party Namasté Ibiza, which brings the actions of We the people (Alok and Jon M), Bahramji and Dj Gaya Brisa.

A whole party loaded with better vibrations suitable for people of All ages, including children. There will be a children's area, flea market and appetizing gastronomic proposals so you can spend a day full of color, magic, passion and joy.

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